Tuesday, October 9, 2012

So this will be the first post in this blog since 2011... I'm starting it back up for the sake of my family, and potentially any other people who would like to keep up with my life a little bit while we're apart. My LJ is kaput, and I'm not gonna claim that this will be different. [As my first thought to expand upon:] But sometimes you just need a new start in some shallow way, a change in image or scenery, to create the illusion of some change to quell the guilt felt regarding the need to change it... especially when I'm not sure why that guilt exists in the first place sometimes!

I'm doing fieldwork in northern WA. I'm staying in a Quality Inn motel in Mt. Vernon and work in Stanwood during the day on Port Susan Bay. After our day of field work we had to fill up the tanks of gas for the truck and the boat. When I removed the nozzle from the holder, the nozzle began to drip gas like a slightly open faucet. My supervisor alerted me to this so I tried to extend the trigger (what I mean is, the opposite of pulling the trigger) but that backfired and the nozzle released the gas like a hose would when you try to wash your car. A gallon of gas sprayed all over the stuff in our truck and all over the ground. I finally flicked it off somehow (the situation was such a frenzy that I'm not even sure how it happened!) and ran inside to tell the gas station worker than gas just sprayed all over. She looked so bored and said "yeah... I know... I saw... nothing we can do about it now... just don't smoke near it" and I was just like ":O" because... there's gasoline everywhere. It was an absolutely horrifying situation and one I hope to never relive again! We waited around while the gas quickly evaporated then just drove off. I didn't want to even start the car, but everyone insisted it would be fine, and it was. But now everything smells like gasoline and I'm just... I wish it didn't happen. I wish all the gas nozzles had the safety so that they could only go on when they're inserted into gas tanks! Such a simple feature.

 I also printed all 3 of my livejournal books today, they're going to ship to me soon.

 Also, this commercial just came on TV. It's a real commercial, you can youtube all of them, they're all ridiculous. But this guy's insurance is supposedly legit!

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